Category: Metalurgy -> Metalurgy -> Foundries
Country: Poland
 GJL 250
fi 20
fi 25
fi 30-35
fi 40-45
fi 50-300
fi 310 - 400
fi 410-440
GJS 400-15
fi 30-35
fi 40-45
fi 50-300
fi 310-400
fi 410 -440
gatunki: GJS400-500, GJS400-15, GJL250, GJL150, GJL300, GJL350, GJS500, GJS600
gg25 ggg40 ggg50 ggg60[...] Details...  Zastosowanie: dla wszystkich rodzajów jezdni, terenów obciążonych ruchem kołowym, terenów zakładów produkcyjnych oraz parkingów dla samochodów ciężarowych i innych. Służy do odprowadzenia wód deszczowych z powierzchni jezdni i chodników do sieci kanalizacyjnej.Wpust przystosowany jest do montażu kosza osadowego D1 wg DIN 4052 i do montażu na płycie odciążającej O 400 ÷ 620 mm. Spełnia wszystkie wymagania normy PN EN 124.[...] Details...   Crucible furnaces for melting of non-ferrous metals.[...] Details...   This product is used mainly in foundries and metallurgical industry for cleaning castings, forgings, metal plates and steel structures, for preparation of surface for anti-corrosive coatings and to obtain appropriate surface roughness. It also finds its application in the shipbuilding industry.
We offer a wide range of cast steel shot after complete heat treatment, as well as cast iron shot of substantial variety of granulation. The materials meet the following European standards: EN ISO 111[...] Details...   K.Z.O. S.A. is one of few foundries in country, that has provided on the market sewage inlets for several dozen years, used to drainage from bridges.
-WM 150 C class C 250 kN with inlet’s surface 2,7 dm2;
-WM 200 C class C 250 kN with inlet’s surface 6,0 dm2;
-WMB 150 D with side outflow class D 400 kN with inlet’s surface 5,0 dm2;
-WMK 200 C class C 250 kN with inlet’s surface 3,7 dm2;
[...] Details...   Manholes class B125, D400 are produced according to PN-EN 124:2000 standard what is confirmed by possessed certificates. Used in sanitary, rain and road sewage system.[...] Details...   System of non-socket pipes and pipe fittings presents new generation of sewage and chemical disposal. It is characterized by high aesthetics and simple art of assembly. Products are produced according to PN-EN 877:2002 standard.[...] Details...